Ultrasonic gas flowmeter ARG—31.2
with piezoelectric transducers PPW-33/2A
The universal engineering solution for pipes with nominal diameters DN=300...3000mm

Ultrasonic gas flowmeter ARG—31.2 with piezoelectric transducers PPW-33/2A is designed to measure the volumetric flow rate and gas volume (dry / wet blast furnace, coke oven, air and other technical gases, including under adverse conditions, moisture condensation and the volatile fractions). The flowmeter can include additional options: two current inputs (for pressure and temperature sensors) and a built-in calculation of gas consumption to standard conditions and the volume of gas passing through the meter.

The number in the State Register of Register of Measurement Equipment Units is U1711-04 in Ukraine. Approved methods provide dry calibrated flow meter. They allows to calibrate without having to remove the transducers, without process interruption (if it's necessary).

Flow meters are equipped with explosion-proof transmitters PPW-33/2A with active frost protection function (A). The main purpose is preventing the growth of ice, resins and naphthalene on the measuring elements in the wet blast furnace and coke oven gas at low temperatures and the inevitable variations in process technology. This is an effective certified technology maintaining the temperature of the measuring element.

The degree of protection - 1 Ex d IIB T3 Gb

Certificates explosion of Ukraine.

Technical features

  • Measuring spans the entire width of the pipeline
  • The measurement method does not depend on the pressure and temperature
  • Short sections of "before"/"after" flowmeter
  • Details of sensors are not subject to wear
  • There is no resistance to the flow



Powered by AC  
 - voltage, V 220 +22/-33
 - frequency, Hz 50±1
Power consumption, W 10
Output interfaces  
 - analog, мА 4...20
 - digital (wire) RS-485
 - digital (infrared)  
 - pulsed  
The maximum gas temperature, °С +200
The range of ambient temperatures, °С -40...+60
The maximum distance* from the sensors to electronic unit, m 100
* We strongly recommend that customers install the electronic unit "close" to the sensors (under a canopy, ambient temperature range from -40°C to + 60°C) in order to minimize the influence of powerful frequency converters, as well as errors / inaccuracies in laying cable lines.

The limits of volumetric measurement of gas flow rate in operating conditions

The minimum flow rate
Qmin, m3/h
The maximum flow rate
Qmax, m3/h
300 110 11000
400 200 20000
500 310 31000
800 810 81000
1000 1270 127000
1400 2500 127000
1600 3250 325000
2000 5100 510000

If the meter is used for DN values that differ from those indicated in the table, the flow rate measurement range (m3/h) at the same time determined by the equations:
Qmin = Qmin0 · (d / d0)2  Qmax = Qmax0 · (d / d0)2

where d - value DN, m; d0 и Qmin0, Qmax0 - the nearest DN value and its corresponding minimum and maximum volume flow according to the table.

The maximum permissible relative error in the ranges:

– from  0,1Qmax  to  Qmax :       ± 1%;

– from  Qmin  to  0,1Qmax :       ± (1 + 5·Qmin / Q)%.

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